p53BLD  ( p53 B inding  L oci  D atabase)
p53BLD collected 13 publicly available TP53 ChIP-seq datasets derived from different normal and cancer cell lines harboring either the WT or mutant GOF TP53.
D1 Neonatal foreskin keratinocytes WT None GSM1366689
D2 Neonatal foreskin keratinocytes WT Adrimycin GSM1366690
D3 Neonatal foreskin keratinocytes WT Cisplatin GSM1366691
D4 Normal human lung fibroblast (IMR90) WT 5FU GSE31558
D5 Colon cancer cell line (HCT116) WT 5FU GSE58714
D6 Osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS) WT Actinomycin D GSM545807
D7 Osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS) WT Etoposide GSM545808
D8 Breast cancer cell line (MCF7) WT None GSM1429753
D9 Breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-175VII) WT None GSM1429754
D10 Breast cancer cell line (HCC70) R248Q None GSM1429756
D11 Breast cancer cell line (BT-549) R249S None GSM1429757
D12 Breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-468) R273H None GSM1429755
D13 Li-Fraumeni fibroblast (MDA-H087) R248W None GSE36749

p53BLD provides
• a browse mode to visualize the binding loci of TP53 in the genome
• a search mode to retrieve genes whose promoters are bound by TP53

Update History
2018 May: Release p53BLD.
2018 Apr.: Add a download page.
2017 Dec.: Develop the web interface of p53BLD.
2017 Sept.: Download and process the 13 publicly available ChIP-seq datasets of TP53.
2017 May: Start p53BLD project.

Last Updated: May 4, 2018.