Showing information for HMDB0059611 ('thiomorpholine 3-carboxylate')

Metabolite information

1,4-Thiomorpholine-3-carboxylic acid
3-Thiomorpholinecarboxylic acid
Thiomorpholine 3-carboxylate
Thiomorpholine 3-carboxylic acid
Chemical formula C5H9NO2S
IUPAC name
thiomorpholine-3-carboxylic acid
CAS registry number
Monisotopic molecular weight 147.035399227

Chemical taxonomy

Super class Organic acids and derivatives
Class Carboxylic acids and derivatives
Sub class Amino acids, peptides, and analogues

Biological properties

Author-emphasized biomarker in the paper(s)

Lung cancer metabolomics studies that identify HMDB0059611 ('thiomorpholine 3-carboxylate')

Reference Country Specimen Marker function Participants (Case) Participants (Control)
Cancer type Stage Number Gender (M,F) Age mean (range) (M/F) Smoking status Type Number Gender (M,F) Age mean (range) (M/F) Smoking status
Klupczynska et al. 2017 serum diagnosis adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma I, II 50 28, 22 65 (53-86) healthy 25 14, 11 64 (50-78)
Reference Chromatography Ion source Positive/Negative mode Mass analyzer Identification level
Klupczynska et al. 2017 LC ESI positive Quadrupole- Orbitrap MS/MS
Reference Data processing software Database search
Klupczynska et al. 2017 MZmine 2.19 software HMDB
Reference Difference method Mean concentration (case) Mean concentration (control) Fold change (case/control) P-value FDR VIP
Klupczynska et al. 2017 t-test 0.72 0.00045 0.00553
Reference Classification method Cutoff value AUROC 95%CI Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%)
Klupczynska et al. 2017 ROC curve analysis (Monte-Carlo cross validation) 0.734 (0.588–0.853) 0.75 0.68