Cancer DEIso
Search Potential Cancer Markers
Search Potentially Induced Cancers
Survival Analysis
Stage Comparison Plot
Cancer DEIso
: A Database for Differentially Expressed Isoforms and Genes in Human Cancer
Collect TCGA RNA-seq data to provide an in-depth analysis for gene-level and isoform-level human cancer studies
In total, 21 cancer types and 7,068 samples are pre-processed and analyzed in Cancer DEIso.
Users can search potential gene/isoform markers for a given cancer type and its two stages
Users can search the potentially induced cancer types for a gene/isoform
Users can perform expression survival analysis on a given gene or isoform for a query cancer type and stage
Users can visualize the expression comparison visualization between stages of a cancer type.
Update History
2021 April: First release of the Cancer DEIso.
2021 April: Finish processing 21 types of cancer RNA-seq data.
2018 May : Demo release of Cancer DEIso.
2017 Sept. : Start the Cancer DEIso project.
Construction of Cancer DEIso
The construction of Cancer DEIso can be divided into 4 steps:
(I) Step1: the massive RNA-seq data were downloaded from the GDC data portal.
(II) Step2: the aligned reads for each patient sample in the categorized cancer stage are mapped to the hg38 human genome to compute the gene-level and isoform-level expressions by Cufflinks.
(III) Step3: the gene- level and isoform-level differential expression between different cancer stages are computed by the Cuffdiff tool.
(IV) Step4: the days-to-death information is collected from the patient EMRs and undergoes the survival analysis for different cancer stages.